System Requirements for Workflow
Before you install Workflow ensure that the server and client computers you plan to use meet the minimum operating and network requirements outlined below.
Server and Admin Tools
You can install the Printanista Workflow server components on computers running:
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 or later
- Windows 8 Professional or newer (64bit)
A full server installation requires at least 5GB of free space, to support the Workflow software, SQL Express, .Net 4.5.2 and IIS. By default, all secured jobs and logs are also stored on this server.
- .NET 4.5.2 is required, and will be installed if absent.
- IIS is required and will be installed if absent. See IIS Web Server Support below for details.
Windows Client Requirements and Memory Usage
You can install the Printanista Workflow Client Popup software on computers running Microsoft Windows 8 or later.
The Client is comprised of two components: the Desktop Client and the Client Service.
- The Desktop Client required between 5MB - 20MB, also depending on activity.
- Client Service requires between 3MB - 10MB depending on activity.
No additional software is needed.
System Requirements for Workflow Client for MacĀ®
- Workflow Client for Mac is supported on the Mac OS listed below. Please ensure you are running one of these versions before installing Workflow Client for MacĀ®. Click on "About this Mac" in the Apple menu, to determine which version of Mac OS is running on your workstation:
MacOS 10.15 Catalina
MacOS 10.14: Mojave
MacOS 10.13: High Sierra
MacOS 10.12: Sierra
- Workflow Client for Mac also requires one (1) Windows-based PC to host the IUM Server and database. It is not possible to install Workflow to a network which does not have at least one Windows computer. Review the Windows System Requirements for Workflow for more information.
IIS Web Server Support
Workflow uses Internet Information Services (IIS) to communicate with devices and internally between Workflow components. The installation requires either the full version of IIS and the installer will determine if you have an existing IIS installation or not. If not, the installer will create a new site and application pool using IIS.
Networking Requirements
Printanista Workflow uses standard HTTP/SSL communication via ports 80/443 for web services by default.If these ports are unavailable, Workflow will use 6320/6321. However, you can change the communication ports if there is a conflict in your organization.
Workflow uses TCP/IP networking protocol.